Community Outreach


At Solar Village Project, we are dedicated to creating sustainable energy solutions that help improve the lives of people around the world. We understand that every community is unique, with its own set of challenges and opportunities. That is why we listen to and work in partnership with the communities we serve.

1. Needs Assessment Surveys

This helps us understand the needs of the community: Surveys allow us to gain valuable insights into the energy needs of the community. By understanding how people currently use energy and the challenges they face, we can design projects that are tailored to their specific needs.

Community Focused

2. Impact Evaluations

This enables us to identify the most impactful solutions: With the data we collect from surveys, we can identify the solutions that will have the greatest impact on the community. This allows us to focus our efforts and resources on the most effective projects.

Impact Driven

3. Reliable and Sustainable

Once we have collected the data, we analyze it to identify the most pressing needs and opportunities. We then work with our partners to design projects that address those needs and make the greatest impact.

Reliable and Sustainable

4. Long Term Monitoring

Finally, we conduct follow-up surveys to measure the impact of our work and identify areas for improvement. This allows us to continuously refine our approach and ensure that our projects are making a real difference in the lives of the people we serve.

A Holistic Approach